West Bay Woodturners

October 2013  Newsletter

Barry's work

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Next meeting on Nov 12th:  7PM at the Bridge Church:  Directions

Agenda:   Brian Havins will demonstrate turning finials for sea Urchin ornaments using shop made turning tools. The presentation will include how to make the specialized turning tools as well as the construction of the ornaments.

President's Challenge:  Turned holiday ornament or decoration






Ellsworth Demo in Q1 2014 Friday Mar 7th.


Demo by Mark Gardner occurred on November 8th.   Details online.  

         Hollow forms without hollowing, surface embellishment, and square bowl turning with multi-axis. 


 Occurred: Doug Fisher

Date:  Friday May 3rd

Off center and textured turning.

See the pics:  Link

See his web-site:  Link









September Meeting:  Bob Bley on Techniques of Turning with a Strobe, and a New Dust Collection tool.



BleyThe main agenda item was a discussion and demo of the use of a strobe in turning pieces with holes or uneven edges.

 There are many reasons that the use of a strobe is beneficial.  One can see the cuts and even end-grain tearout.  It is useful in off-center turning to see where the cuts are being made.  

The setup requires a sync pulse from a magnetic sensor near the chuck/headstock, giving one flash per revolution.  It all seems to be achievable cost wise and can be placed in a manner that does not hinder the turning.   

BleyThe second portion of Bob's presentation was on a dust collection system that he devised and is offering for $150 each.   The add-on system essentially positions the dust collection head or flute for more optimal dust pickup.  Seen at right, it allows full x-y-z ease of use position.   Several club members have tested this device and find it very effective at collecting more dust.




We had several items in the president's challenge, birdhouse. See the pics on the homepage.  Pat Crowley, Al, and Winslow had pieces. 

We also had several items in the show and tell.   Tom Haines had the plate with design shown at left.  Winslow discussed off-center morse taper for adding texture to small items.  Bill Daniels displayed pens made from historic wood. 



Other Organizational Items:


wood auction


2014 Officers were elected:  Curtis remains as President, Pat Crowley as Vice President, Bud Trapp to take Treasurer, and Ken McCloud as Secretary.  At large Bd member to be elected by Bd in 2014.

CA glue is available from Ken, and Jim has Anchorseal at $15 a bottle.

There are still a number of positions open presently in the Club.  Please consider volunteering as an individual or as a team.   Several members signed up at the meeting for some of the open responsibilities.

Dec meeting is the Christmas dinner and gift exchange. 

A reminder: club competition has been delayed to 2014.  Information to come on rules etc. 

A survey will still be sent out to the membership.

Cecil Dobbs has worked with Peter Pipe to try to find a way to get the mentoring program going again. The two of them will work it out and let the members know how the program works.

Finances look strong with a balance of close to $7K.



Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   TGannon

WBAW   Website   Peninsula, Calif