West Bay Woodturners

Decem ber 2014  Newsletter

Barry's work

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Upcoming Events:

Meeting on December 9, 2014 - Tuesday

Holiday Party & Gift Exchange

6 pm: appetizers - 7pm: dinner

Bring a turned piece for gift exchange

Bring turned ornaments to raffle

Location: 7th Day Adventist Church: Directions

Meeting on January 13, 2015

Agenda: Turning a natural edge piece

President's challenge: Your first natural edge


November Meeting Recap:

Jim Benson        

Jim Benson, of the Silicon Valley Woodturners, did a demonstration of techniques and uses of air brushing for woodturners. Jim showed us a selection of airbrushes, described the paints used, created an artist rendering and showed us how to clean the airbrush. A starter setup is readily available at a reasonable price from Harbor Freight. Don't forget the air compressor. Practice makes perfect in this business.


Demonstration: Mike Mahoney - Saturday November 8, 2014

Mike Mahoney      Mike Mahoney     

Mike is a professional wood turner who is featured in galleries across the United States. His day long demonstration was instructive and entertaining. It was also inspiring. More than one of us ran home and turned an urn, resharpened our gouges, practiced our bowl turning, checked out our McNaughto coring tool or tried cutting threads. If he can do it in one hour, why does it take me three? The turnout was great. Sixty turners and would be's watched for 6 hours and would have stayed longer if the schedule allowed.
See Demonstration photos here


A letter from our President-Elect

This is the time of year that I like to step back and look at all the good things that I have to be thankful for. For each of us, we place different values on things, but for me family, friends, and experiences are at the top of the list. I’ve told many of you that the day I stop learning is the day I will die. So, I would like to thank each of you for the friendship and the inspiration that you have shared through the club. I’ve missed a number of meetings this year, and I cannot make the December pot luck but I know you will have a good time. Please take a moment when you see the club officers and the other people that put in some much effort to say thank you. I’ll say a particular thank you to Pat & Curtis, who are term limited out of office. They have been put in plenty of hours making the club function. Thank you to George, Bud, Ken, Leroy, Karl, Richard, Bill, and Bob! Remember to pay your dues as soon as you can! The longer it takes the more work it is for Bud.

Our programs this year have really covered the entire spectrum. Some of the topics included machine threading, using your phone to take pictures of your work, the recently popular version of a bowl-from-a-board, jigs, finishing discussion, airbrushing, and using cactus juice to stabilize wood. Bob then added three outstanding professional demonstrators this year, David Ellsworth, Ray Key, and Mike Mahoney. For those of you that did not attend all three you don’t know what you missed. I added a three day hands on class with David, attended the Utah symposium, and attended the AAW symposium in Phoenix. As you can tell, I take advantage of any learning opportunity I can!

I would like each of you think about what the club means to you. For me, it is the friends, inspiration, and the sharing of knowledge. Our BBQ’s, potlucks, dinners before the club meetings, the coffee breaks, and sawdust sessions provide great opportunities to talk about our shared hobby. The pieces people bring in for the president’s challenge and the show and tell provide inspiration. Sometimes it isn’t always obvious, but inspiration is a very strange part of our mental process. The programs, professional demonstrators, and symposiums are great opportunities to learn new techniques. I think we have short changed the time for the programs a few times this year. To address this, we will need to spend less time on biz stuff and on the president’s challenge/show and tell. We’ve been discussing ways to do this without discouraging the participation. I’d like to know what you think. I'm looking forward to another good year!

Dave Vannier


2015 WBW board members and committee chairs.

President: David Vanier

Vice President: George Lutz

Treasurer:  Bud Trapp

Secretary:  Ken McCloud

Member at Large: Bob Bley

Meeting Program Coordinator:  open

Visiting artist Coordinator:  Bob Bley (TBA in 2015)

Anchor seal:  Jim Laflin

CA Glue:  Ken McCloud

Craft Supply:  Richard Winslow

Coffee & Cookies:  Phil Feiner

Librarian: Bill Daniels

Audio Visual: Curtis Vose

Website:  Tom Haines


Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.   Tom Haines

WBW   Website  Peninsula, Calif