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August Meetings

August Picnic/BBQ
  Wednesday, August 3, starts at 4 pm, food at 6 pm
  at Cuesta Park, Mountain View
  Hosted by Silicon Valley Woodturners
  Bring turnings for Show & Tell
  Bring food (potluck) or not
  IMPORTANT - RSVP Steve Dahout  sdahout@yahoo.com
  Cuesta Park map

August demonstration by Kirk DeHeer
  Live Demo - Sunday, August 21, 9 AM - 4 PM
  at The Santa Clara High School.
  3000 Benton St, Santa Clara, CA 95051
  Santa Clara High School map
  $35 fee at the door - includes lunch
• Kirk DeHeer is a professional woodturner
• A full time member of the Product Development Team at
  Craft Supplies USA.
• A lead instructor in Craft Supplies 101 and 201 Workshops

Howard Whipple

Upcoming Meetings

September Demonstration
  Turning bottoms - not limited by a tenon
  by Bob Bley

Wednesday July 20 2022
The Intarsia of Howard Whipple

Howard Whipple

in·tar·si·a intarsia [ in-tahr-see-uh ]
an elaborate form of marquetry using inlays in wood.
In the case of Howard Whipple, he used small wood inlay to create patterns (usually intricate) in wood turnings...platters, dishes and boxes. Edgar Whipple (grandson of Howard Whipple) made the presentation which included a display of a large collection of intarsia pieces. Howard Whipple was active mid last century, but his work lives on in amazingly good condition.
See a few photos of his work
See Show & Tell photos

President's Words - Claude Godcharles

Feels like we just had a meeting... because we did!

The newsletter is going out early this month so I can incite you to attend our yearly picnic next Wednesday August 3rd. Our friends at SVW have graciously offered to organize this year's get together at Cuesta Park. Look for more details in this newsletter. Those who were there last year might remember good food, camaraderie, and a show & tell to top them all! Don't miss it, and please RSVP to Steve Dahout and sign-up on the potluck list!

In other news, our friend Bob Bley is stepping down from organizing professional demos and coordinating these events with other local clubs. It has been years (5, maybe 6) since Bob slipped into this role. It's now time for someone else to take this on. It is a rewarding experience to interact with other clubs and the visiting professionals, you can talk to Bob about it. I hope someone steps forward to handle this, or I might just have to volunteer one of you !-) We and the other clubs have something great going on, being able to see in person demos with some of the greatest turners around. Let's build on Bob's efforts and keep this going!

That's all for now,
See you soon at Cuesta Park.
Claude G

"As the Wood Turns"
Will Wood - by Dave Vannier

We have all done it, or will do it before we are done. That special piece of wood that was just too good to not take home, but too good for either our skill level, or we didn’t have that special project that was worthy of the wood. But of course, we had to have it and took it home, ound a special place on a shelf to store it, then promptly ignored it. A little later, the same thing happens, and we repeat the process. I’m guilty as charged. Then the unthinkable happens and we pass away, I haven’t done this yet, still kicking the can down the road. But our family & friends now have to deal with our collection. The “found wood” is pretty easy to just give or throw away. But those special pieces, some costing hundred’s of dollars, hurt to not get something back. Those pieces are known as will wood. Those of you that came to either Dave’s sale or Jim’s sale saw examples of the will wood collection that they had.

will wood

Each time, I’m reminded by my family I might have enough wood. I know one of my friends is doing a reasonable job at controlling his collection. I did pretty good, not collecting wood till after the sale, and there was some wood I just couldn’t bear to throw away. Now stay on me so it doesn’t become will wood. I already have enough of it.

Jim and I traveled to symposiums together. I remember when he bought some of those special pieces. I also remember buying some of it myself. Guess I better use it, or you are going to be shopping through my stash of will wood at some point.

Thanks to all who participated. You got great deals, and the family got a little in return. But, please no more!


2022 WBW board members and committee chairs

President: Claude Godcharles
Vice President: Tom Gaston
Treasurer: Jon Bishop
Secretary: Roman Chernikov
Member at Large: Fred Colman
Meeting Program Coordinator: TBD
Visiting artist Coordinator: TBD
Anchor seal: Dennis Lillis
CA Glue: Tom Kenyon
Craft Supply:Tina Chou
Librarian: Kelly Smith
Audio Visual: Curtis Vose
Website & Newsletter: Tom Haines


click here for contact information on the above

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.