Navigation is generally achieved in the top menu, with the links at the left added for convenience.


This site is based upon the 5 major categories above, and each group is further broken down into the following sub-categories:


Newsletter breaks into 5 sub-pages:

President's Message: the monthly report from the President

Report: the monthly report from a reporter, with pics of the pieces presented.

Archive: old newsletters, a combination of the Pres report and the Reporters input.

New items: new items added to the website in the past month.

Event Pics: pictures of the major events that have been recorded.

Activities: a overview of events in the club

Calendar: a list of upcoming events for Club Members

Demonstrations: experts demonstrating and the schedule.

Challenge: the current and history of the President's Challenge.

Year Review: intended to be a review of the year, past and upcoming.

For Sale: items for sale or wanted, by Club Members.

Club: contains links for items related to the Club and the AAW.

Description: contains the description of the club and its nominal activities each year.

Officers: a list of the officers for the current year.

News: is for news that is organizational and not contained in the monthly meeting report.

Announcements: relevant announcements of items that are not covered in the monthly meeting.

Mentoring:  A description of the Mentoring Program that is offered by the Club.

Site Summary: is this page.

Galleries: contains the photo galleries of the Members' woodturning.

Information: contains various pages of various topics not found on other pages, such as tutorial.

Directions: Links to all of the directions to the various sites that the Club uses.

Tutorial: the various tutorials, both written and video that are available.

Library:  the list of books and DVD's that are available for loan from the Club.

AAW reports: is for items sent by AAW for notification of Club and AAW members.

Safety:  a set of safety procedures written by AAW for lathe operation.

Links:  to other websites of interests.

Do please send me any concerns or suggestions you have for added content.