Al Hockenbery Address

Preparing to write this letter from the board, I reflected on how our passion for woodturning brings us to the AAW and how the AAW introduces us to life-long friends. In recent months I’ve used my passion for woodturning to escape the daily barrage of negative news on every political and economic front. Even our forestry service joined in, announcing an incurable disease threatens to wipe out our Sabal Palms.

Thankfully, for me, roughing out a big bowl and listening to the chips hit the floor flushes out the negative emotions pumped in by the evening news. Roughing is a mindless effort from which I get energized, explore new ideas, and revisit old ones. Woodturning turns up the optimism. Reaching harmony of tool movement with the spinning wood is a successful day. The elections are over!

What a bright spot of news! Dale Larson, Binh Pho, and Cassandra Speier join your AAW board of directors. Elected by the AAW membership from strongest slate of candidates I can remember, each of these individuals brings innovative ideas, positive energy, and enthusiasm to the leadership of your AAW. In the past few years I’ve had the pleasure of working with each of these new board members on some AAW activity. Thinking back to meeting Binh, Cassandra, and Dale, it was at a AAC craft show, Arrowmont, and a Symposium planning session respectively.

Exhibition, Education, and Sharing: three important elements of the AAW that bring our members together. How marvelously the fabric of woodturning has been woven over the years. While “turning” has more than 13,000 meanings to us, it still forms a common bond among all of us. This bond brings us together even as each of us takes our own road to experience and aspiration.   What each takes from our AAW membership tools we can use in our turning development, I encourage each of you to do a little bit for the AAW. It is your organization. You own it. You can help shape the future and make the AAW stronger.

Ten ways to improve your life and feel better too Get involved with an AAW chapter - join a second Start one - tired of traveling great distance to a club Visit one - on the road check for club meetings when you travel Already a member – volunteer to do something extra Enter a turning contest – Share what you do. Step out. a local juried arts show, gallery show, or craft show.

Enter a piece or two for the AAW exhibition: Spirit of the Southwest. Enter an AAW forum contest. Take a class – Mastering techniques will improve your turning and enjoyment a whole lot more than new lathe.

Teach a class/ give a demo/ coach a new turner Turners need to know more than how to make chips – photographing your work, tune up your band saw, chain saw safety, finishes for wood, pottery forms, a slide show of an AAW symposium and many more are all valuable topics that don’t require a lathe. Get involved with youth Many clubs have taken up the challenge and have programs for youth.

Get involved with your club or start a program. Dave Bowers collected a wealth of information on teaching classes and projects for kids of all ages. To date 14 young turners have received free AAW memberships in cooperation with clubs teaching youth. For Details See-

Bring a Youth to Albuquerque Enroll a relative in the Albuquerque Youth Program. Take your child, niece, nephew, or grandchild on a trip they’ll remember long after they have forgotten Disney. More than one Ask friend(s) to sponsor the others. AAW encourages this!

Attend a Regional symposium – So many fine ones around the These are wonderful experiences with an intimacy you find in most small towns. Many are larger than the early AAW symposiums. All have of demonstrators representing the best of the local and international woodturning communities.

Write an article for the AAW Journal – share your expertise Introduce the public to woodturning. Do a demo at the fair, in a local park, or on the sidewalk outside a gallery that features woodturning. Talk to a group of scouts or an art class.

Don’t miss the 2009 AAW Symposium in Albuquerque, NM. “Land of The Biggest, Baddest, Best woodturning event on the  planet.  Each year the AAW brings together the most woodturners (nearly 1600 in 07 and 08), the finest display of woodturning, largest tradeshow with over 60 vendors who know woodturning, more than 60 demonstrators planned for 2009, nearly 30 expert videographers, and more than 250 volunteers.         

Please consider volunteering. AAW members make it happen. January first, Angelo, Corey, and I leave the board. I thank you all for the support you have given the AAW. While I’m proud of what our board has accomplished, I’m excited by the new board and confident they, along with Mary Lacer, will provide the leadership our AAW needs.

Keep the chips flying! We’ll have a great 2009!

Al Hockenbery